Organic certification is a process by which the accredited Certification Body by way of a Scope Certificate assures that the production or processing system of the client has been methodically assessed and conforms to the specific standard requirements.
Organic farming is the oldest form of agriculture and has been in practice from the prehistoric period. The organic agriculture is based on sustainable approach and used own-farm inputs. Though, during the Industrial revolution, introduction of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture increase the crop production. But extensively use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides having an impact on agriculture system and had serious side effects on human body due to residual traces found in agriculture produce.
The concept of organic farming regained its importance in the 1905 to 1924. The British botanist Sir Albert Howard, often referred to as the ‘father of Modern Organic Agriculture’, works as an agricultural adviser in Pusa, Bengal, where he documents traditional Indian farming practices, and came to regard them as superior to his conventional agriculture science.
In an earlier phase of organic movement, such type of certification was not necessary for selling of organic produce. When farmers would sell their produce directly at the farmers market or consumers directly buy from a farmer’s field.
As organics have grown in popularity, more and more consumers are purchasing organic food and they want some type of assurance related to organic practices followed by farmers as well as quality of produce. As such, consumers and buyer must rely on third-party regulatory certification. After seeking the demand of organic produce many private organizations and countries develop their own standards of organic certification. The major organic certification standards are NOP-USDA, EEC834/2007 – European Commission, NPOP – India, JAS – Japan etc.

Benefits of Organic Certification:
- Protect natural resources.
- Improved soil and water quality through enhanced management and reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
- Reduced handling of potentially hazardous and expensive agricultural chemical.
- Certification marks help to recognize your company logo and access to local, regional, and international markets.
- Organic certification helps in building trust between person involved in production, processing and trading of organic products.
Organic Certification Process Under NPOP:
- Develop Organic Management Plan.
- Comply with the details of how an operation will comply with the regulations.
- Implement Organic Plan and get reviewed by the consultant.
- Observation/ Inspection of proper implementation of the Organic plan by the consultant.
- Receive inspection by certifying body for observation of practices on the farm or facility and review the inspection report.
- Receive a decision from the certifier if an operation complies with the rules.
- Receive Organic certification.